Af easible sonochemicala pproach is described for the preparationo fc opper/iron-modified graphene oxide nanocomposites through ultrasonication (20 kHz, 18 Wcm À2 ) of an aqueous solutionc ontaining coppera nd iron ion precursors. Uniquec opper-, copper/iron-and iron-modified graphene oxide nanocomposites have as ubmicron size that is smaller than that of pristine GO and ah ighers urfacea rea enriched with Cu 2 O, CuO, and Fe 2 O 3 of multiform phases (a-, b-, e-, or g), FeO(OH), and sulfur-o rc arbon-containingc om-pounds. These nanocomposites are sonochemically intercalated with the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug ketorolac, which results in the formationo fn anoscale carriers. Ketorolac monotonically disintegratesf rom these nanoscale carriers in aqueous solution upon adjustment of the pH from 1t o8 .T he disintegration of ketorolacp roceeds at a slowerr ate from the copper/iron-modified grapheneo xide at increased pH, but at af aster rate from the iron-modified graphene oxide undera cidic conditions.