“…Whereas the above‐modelled relations between required field system sizes assume or imply a correlation between habitation and arable, there is solid footing for the spatial overlap (or integration) of habitation within Celtic field systems from the Early Iron Age onwards. At Hijken (Arnoldussen & de Vries, 2014), Peelo (Kooi & de Langen, 1987) and Westeinde (Arnoldussen & de Vries, 2017), Early Iron Age houses were excavated within Celtic field systems. For the Middle and Late Iron Age, Sellingen (van Giffen, 1939, 90), Vaassen (Brongers, 1976, 40–55), Wekerom (Arnoldussen & Scheele, 2014) and Hijken (Arnoldussen & de Vries, 2014) have similarly yielded house plans within the Celtic field confines (Figure 6).…”