organic interface, where reactive oxygen species generated by UV-ozone treatment of the indium-tin oxide (ITO) substrate slowly degrade the organic layer. [ 8 ] Other than the degradation related to the organic/electrode interface, we show here that a time-dependent chemical reaction at the donor/acceptor interface can also cause device deterioration. We further show that the donor/acceptor chemical reaction can be suppressed by introducing a strong electron-drawing MoO 3 layer aside to the SubPc fi lm. Stability enhancing capability of MoO 3 has been reported in both OPV device and organic light emitting devices (OLED). Yet, all previous reports suggest that the effects are mainly attributed to the spatial isolation of organic fi lm from electrode; and the reduction of the energetic transport barrier. [ 6,[25][26][27] Here, we show a new mechanism that chemical reactions between two organic fi lms can be modulated by the formation CTC. Due to the high electron affi nity, the incorporation of the MoO 3 layer results in strong charge interaction between MoO 3 and SubPc. The resulting CTC leads to subtle charge re-distribution in SubPc donor molecules that inhibits further chemical reaction at SubPc/C 60 interface. It is the fi rst demonstration that an interfacial chemical reaction at donor/acceptor junction can be controlled by charge modulation and carrier redistribution.The bottom spectrum (labeled as C 60 , 0 hr) in Figure 1 a shows an XPS C1s core level spectrum of a thin C 60 (2 nm) fi lm freshly deposited on an ITO/SubPc (5 nm) substrate. After storage of 4 h in an ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) of 10 −9 Torr, the C1s peak slightly shifts by 0.13 eV from 285.07 to 285.20 eV (labeled as C 60 , 4 hrs). Corresponding changes in the B1s core level from the SubPc layer are shown in the upper two spectra in Figure 1 b. Upon 4-hours aging, the B1s peak shifts by 0.15 eV from 191.7 to 191.85 eV. These spectral shifts indicate substantial charge re-distribution in both the C 60 and the SubPc fi lms upon aging in UHV.It is also noted that an additional new peak emerges at 187.2 eV in the B1s core level (C 60 , 4 hrs in Figure 1 b) after the 4-hours aging, indicating the B atom in the SubPc molecule has gained electrons by forming a new boride bond. [ 28 ] A similar aging experiment is repeated using an ITO/SubPc substrate without C 60 deposition. No additional peak is observed over the same aging time (i.e. dashed lines in Figure 1 b). It is thus reasonable to attribute the new boron peak to boride bond formed at the SubPc/C 60 contact upon aging.Poor operation stability is a major hurdle for the wide application of organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices. While most attention is given to environmental threats to device stability, we herein show evidence from X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) of an intrinsic time-dependent chemical reaction at a donor/ acceptor interface. Albeit with impressive device performance from boron subphthalocyanine chloride (SubPc)/ fullerene (C 60 ) interface, the forming boride bonds at its inter...