We present a unique empirical analysis of the properties of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve using an international dataset of aggregate and disaggregate sectoral inflation. Our results from panel time-series estimation clearly indicate that sectoral heterogeneity has important consequences for aggregate inflation behaviour. Heterogeneity helps to explain the overestimation of inflation persistence and underestimation of the role of marginal costs in empirical investigations of the NKPC that use aggregate data. We find that combining disaggregate information with heterogeneous-consistent estimation techniques helps to reconcile, to a large extent, the NKPC with the data.Keywords: New Keynesian Phillips Curve; Heterogeneity; Aggregation Bias. JEL classification: E31, E52. * We would like to thank Mario Cerrato, Jean Imbs , Bob Hart, Campbell Leith, Jim Malley, David Mayes, Ron Smith, Boriss Siliverstovs, Jan-Egbert Sturm and the participants at the KOF Research Seminar for their most useful comments and suggestions. Any remaining errors are sole responsibility of the authors.