Original scientific paper In order to describe car-following behaviour of traffic flow which is composed of buses and passenger cars on freeway, an extended car-following model is proposed for single lane traffic in this paper. The proposed model discriminates four types of car-bus following combination, car-following-bus, busfollowing-bus, bus-following-car and car-following-car. The four combinations are considered in terms of following distance, following speed and following acceleration/deceleration. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using data collected from the combination of microwave radar detector and roadside laser detector on Xuanwu Avenue in the main urban area of Nanjing. Besides, the field data is divided into two data sets, one used for the training of the model, and the other for evaluation purpose. Gazis model and Edie model, the two most extensively used car-following models, are calibrated against the same training data sets and used as a reference benchmark. Finally, the performance of the model, proposed by this paper, was compared with the two classic models based on the evaluation data sets. The results show that buses have different characteristics and manoeuvrability compared with passenger cars. With the influence of buses in the car-following process, it could lead to uneven distribution of traffic flow on the lanes and become the main reason for traffic highway capacity decline. The model, proposed in this paper, is more accurate and stable when predicting acceleration/deceleration of different vehicles during car-following. It has better superiority to describe the car-following behaviours under the influence of bus on freeway.
Keywords: bus; car-following model; model calibration; stimulus-response process; traffic flow
Prošireni model kolone vozila koji uzima u obzir utjecaj autobusaIzvorni znanstveni članak Kako bi se opisalo ponašanje prometa kolone vozila, koja se sastoji od autobusa i osobnih automobila na autocesti, u ovom članku je predložen prošireni model kolone vozila za promet u jednoj traci. Predloženi model razlikuje četiri vrste kombinacija kolona automobil-autobus, automobil-nakon-autobusa, autobus-nakon-autobusa, autobus-nakon-automobila i automobil-nakon-automobila. Četiri kombinacije uzimaju u obzir udaljenost, brzinu i ubrzavanje/usporavanje kolone. Predložena metodologija je prikazana uporabom podataka prikupljenih kombinacijom mikrovalnog radarskog detektora i cestovnog laserskog detektora na aveniji Xuanwu u glavnom urbanom području Nanjinga. Osim toga, podaci o terenu podijeljeni su u dva seta podataka, jedan se koristi za uvježbavanje modela, a drugi je za ocjenu. Gazis model i Edie model, dva najčešće korištena modela kolone vozila, kalibrirani su prema istim skupovima podataka za vježbu, a koriste se kao referentna vrijednost. Konačno, izvedba modela, predložena ovim radom, uspoređena je s dva klasična modela na temelju evaluacijskih skupova podataka. Rezultati pokazuju da autobusi imaju različite karakteristike i manevriranost u usporedbi s osobnim ...