“…Considering the average values obtained for the minimum and maximum intensity (I MIN =66dB±3dB and I MAX =114dB±5dB), the values were similar to those of two other studies (I MIN =66±3,48dB and I MAX =118±2,62dB) 14 and (I MIN =67,6±2,41dB and I MAX =115,5±3,84dB) 23 , but were higher than others (I MiN =46,6dB±5,74dB and I MaX =100,3dB±5,57dB) 9 , (I MiN =46,2±0,4dB and I MAX =95,4±3,7dB) 8 and (I MiN =50,9dB and I MAX =97,3dB) 6 indicating that the presence of dentofacial equilibrium can facilitate not only the articulation of the headphones, but also the phonation process, allowing to reach higher maximum and minimum intensities, through increased air pressure during phonation, as well as better laryngeal control of the passage of air current 30,31 . However, such hypotheses should be tested in future studies, by comparing groups of individuals with dentofacial balanced condition to those with dentofacial deformities.…”