Key pointsr Central chemoreceptor stimulation, by hypercapnia (acidosis), and peripheral, by hypoxia plus hypercapnia, evoke reflex increases in ventilation and sympathetic outflow.r The assumption that central or peripheral chemoreceptor-mediated sympathetic activation elicited when P CO 2 increases parallels concurrent ventilatory responses is unproven.r Applying a modified rebreathing protocol that equilibrates central and peripheral chemoreceptor P CO 2 whilst clamping O 2 tension at either hypoxic or hyperoxic concentrations, the independent ventilatory and muscle sympathetic stimulus-response properties of the central and peripheral chemoreflexes were quantified and compared in young men.r The novel findings were that ventilatory and sympathetic responses to central and peripheral chemoreflex stimulation are initiated at similar P CO 2 recruitment thresholds but individual specific sympathetic responsiveness cannot be predicted from the ventilatory sensitivities of either chemoreceptor reflex.r Such findings in young men, if replicated in heart failure or hypertension, should temper present enthusiasm for trials targeting the peripheral chemoreflex based solely on ventilatory responsiveness to non-specific chemoreceptor stimulation.Abstract In humans, stimulation of peripheral or central chemoreceptor reflexes is assumed to evoke equivalent ventilatory and sympathetic responses. We evaluated whether central or peripheral chemoreceptor-mediated sympathetic activation elicited by increases in CO 2 tension (P CO 2 ) parallels concurrent ventilatory responses. Twelve healthy young men performed a modified rebreathing protocol designed to equilibrate central and peripheral chemoreceptor Daniel Keir received his PhD in integrative physiology of exercise from the University of Western Ontario. His research expertise includes measurement, analysis and interpretation of breath-by-breath pulmonary gas exchange, end-tidal gas pressures and ventilation. His current research applies these techniques to control the partial pressures of blood and tissue O 2 and CO 2 , manipulate input to the central and peripheral chemoreceptor reflexes, and investigate their impact on sympathetic, circulatory and ventilatory control in healthy humans and patients with heart failure. others J Physiol 597.13 P CO 2 tensions with end-tidal P CO 2 (P ETCO 2 ) at two isoxic end-tidal P O 2 (P ETO 2 ) such that central responses can be segregated, by hyperoxia, from the net response (hypoxia minus hyperoxia). Ventilation and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) were recorded continuously during rebreathing at isoxic P ETO 2 of 150 and 50 mmHg. During rebreathing, the P ETCO 2 values at which ventilation (L min −1 ) and total MSNA (units) began to rise were identified (P ETCO 2 recruitment thresholds) and their slopes above the recruitment threshold were determined (sensitivity). The central chemoreflex recruitment threshold for ventilation (46 ± 3 mmHg) and MSNA (45 ± 4 mmHg) did not differ (P = 0.55) and slopes were 2.3 ± 0.9 L min −1 mmH...