Floral biology, sexual system, breeding system, pollinators, fruiting and seed dispersal aspects of five mangrove associate species, namely, Clerodendrum inerme, Derris trifoliata, Suaeda maritima, S. monoica, and S. nudiflora were studied. All these species are hermaphroditic, self-compatible, and exhibit mixed breeding systems adapted for pollination by external agents. C. inerme and D. trifoliata are principally entomophilous, while Suaeda species are ambophilous. The study suggests that these plant species are important constituents of mangrove forests. C. inerme and D. trifoliata are useful in stabilizing the banks of back water creeks, while Suaeda species are useful to carpet the saline areas and desalinate the soils which are subsequently useful for agricultural activities. Articolul prezintă studiul asupra biologiei florale, sistemului sexual, sistemului de creștere, polenizatorilor, rodirii și răspândirii semințelor la cinci specii de mangrove asociate, Clerodendrum inerme, Derris trifoliata, Suaeda maritima, S. monoica și S. nudiflora. Toate aceste specii sunt hermafrodite, auto compatibile și prezintă sisteme de creștere mixte adaptate pentru polenizare de către agenții externi. C. inerme și D. trifoliata sunt în principal entomofile în timp ce speciile Suaeda sunt ambophilous. Studiul sugerează că aceste specii de plante sunt constituenți importanți ai pădurilor de mangrove. C. inerme și D. trifoliata sunt utile în stabilizarea malurilor cursurilor de apă, în timp ce speciile Suaeda sunt utile pentru covorul zonelor saline și desalinizarea solurilor care sunt ulterior utile pentru activități agricole.
J. S. R. Aluri et al. -Reproductive biology of mangrove plants (31 ~ 68) 32
INTRODUCTIONMangrove conservation has received an increased importance in the recent past as research has increased the understanding of the values, functions, and attributes of mangrove ecosystems and the role they play in providing important ecological services and livelihoods for the mangrove associated communities. Mangrove forests are among one of the world's most productive tropical ecosystems. They are now one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world due to natural and demographic pressures (Roy and Krishnan, 2005). The mangrove vegetation is comprised of unique plant communities consisting of evergreen trees and shrubs belonging to several unrelated families growing in tropical and subtropical intertidal regions where there is constant intertidal exchange of sea water and freshwater (Spalding et al., 1997).The focus of research on the reproductive biology of mangrove plants has almost exclusively been on the fruit and seed or seedling dispersal stage. Surprisingly, less is known about floral biology, pollination, and breeding systems, although knowledge of the effectiveness of floral mechanics and genetic isolating mechanisms is an important prerequisite to the study of successful dispersal and establishment (Primack et al., 1981;Tomlinson, 1986;Juncosa and Tomlinson, 1987;Clarke and Meye...