The aim of the work is to develop a new type of producing healthy fruit-vegetable ice-cream-sorbet with the record BAS content using fresh vegetables and fruits as raw materials (especially, berries: blackberry, cherry, apricots, sea buckthorn, fruitsapples, lemons with zest, vegetables-spinach, olives, pumpkin) and innovative technological methods, such as cryogenic "shock freezing" and low temperature comminution. There was offered and developed a new way of preparing healthy fruit-vegetable ice-cream-sorbet, based on using cryogenic "shock" freezing and fine-dyspersated comminution of vegetables and fruits as an innovative method of structure creation and getting sorbets with the record BAS content. The complex effect of these methods results in activation and extraction of hidden BAS from fruits and vegetables in the free form, and also in pectin transformation from the inactive form into the active one. A peculiarity of producing sorbets is the use of only natural ingredients (fruits, berries, vegetables) and also the absence of artificial food supplements (stabilizers, stiffeners, emulsifiers, synthetic coloring agents and so on). The new method allows to preserve vitamins and other BAS of initial raw materials completely in sorbets. At the same time it gives a possibility to extract from raw materials hidden inactive BAS forms, bound in nanocomplexes with biopolymers and mineral substances, into the free, easily-assimilated nanoform. Reports on research projects (2018), «EUREKA: Life Sciences» Number 6 34 Food Science and Technology The mass share of BAS in sorbets is 2,5…3,5 times more that in fresh fruits and vegetables that is controlled by standard chemical methods. At the same time the new method allows to extract and transform into the soluble form pectin substances that are in fruits and vegetables in the inactive hidden form more completely (by 70 %). The mass share of soluble pectin in sorbets is 3,0…5,0 times more than in fresh raw materials. The following fruits and vegetables were chosen at preparing sorbets: apples, blackberry, cherry, apricots, sea buckthorn, pumpkin, spinach, olives, lemon with zest. They are known for their treating-prophylactic properties and first of all favor strengthening of the human organism's immunity. The recipes of healthy sorbets were developed-3 types of fruit-vegetable ice-cream with chlorophyll-containing, carotene-containing and anthocyan-containing fruits and vegetables. Natural fruit-vegetable raw materials at preparing ice-cream-sorbets act as five in one: a source of BAS, stiffeners, structure-creators, coloring agents and aromatizers. New types of sorbets are in the nanosize form and exceed analogues by BAS. Technological regimes of producing ice-cream-sorbets are developed at the stand semi-industrial equipment.