1 HCH (Y-hexachlorocyclohexane), an organochlorine insecticide is used widely for agricultural and hygienic purposes in most of the developing countries including India. Like other organochlorine, HCH can also enter into the body by various means such as through food chain, through inhalation and through dermal contact. It has been reported that HCH preferably accumulates in adipose tissues and in membrane lipid layer (Zhu et al. 1986; Lopez-Aparicio et al.1 988). Besides exhibiting neurological (Woolley et al. 1985;Tusell et al. 1987) and hepatological (Junqueira et al.1988) toxicities, HCH is also reported to produce adverse effect on male reproductive systems of rats. HCH-induced toxicity in male reproductive system includes degeneration of seminiferous tubules (Dikshith et al.1978 ; Srinivasan et a1.1988) and inhibition of stimulatory activity of adrenergic agonist upon CAMP accumulation in prostatic epithelial cells (Carrero et al. 1990). Mechanism of action of HCH on male reproductive system particularly in the testis is poorly understood. Mitochondrial fraction from rat testis has been shown to metaboiize ATP at a faster rate than that from liver or kidney (Hollinger 1971). Although testis from immature and mature rats catabolized ATP at a very high rate (Hollinger 1971), by means of Ca +2 and Mg +2 ATPase, there is a marked change in the enzyme activity during maturation (DelhumeauOngay et al.1973). It is understood that pesticide-induced testicular damage is more pronounced in immature rats in comparison to adult rats (Sjoberg et al.1985 Jinna et al.1989. Keeping this in view, an effort has been made in the present study to examine the effect of chronic exposure of HCH on testicular Ca +2 and Mg +2 -ATPase and Mg +2 ATPase in immature (30 days old) and adult (90 days old) rats since no information on this subject is yet available.
MATERIALS AND METHODSMale wistar rats of 30 day old (weighing 60-80 g.) and 90 day old (weighing 300-350 g ) were purchased from National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India. They were acclimated to laboratory conditions for about 10 days before any experimentation. Rats were maintained with artificial illumination for 12 h followed by a dark period of 12 h. They were fed gram (Cicer arietinum) and freshly prepared diet containing flour and vitaminized powered milk. Tap water was supplied ad libitum.Rats of each age group were divided into three groups containing 5 animals per group. The second and third group were fed 10 mg and 20 mg HCH per kg. body weight respectively by oral intubation for 7, 15 and 30 days. The first group which served as control, was fed only olive oil in the similar manner. The technical grade HCH, obtained