“…In each sample, the cores of zoned garnet and its plagioclase and biotite inclusions, as well as cores of zoned matrix plagioclase and relic mica of S 1 in microlithons should represent an early stage of the metamorphic evolution. A late stage of metamorphism is documented by the garnet rims (excluding the parts with retrogressive increase of Mn), large biotite which crystallised in the microlithons or in pressure shadows around the garnet porphyroblast, and the rims of zoned matrix plagioclase (Tracy, 1982;St-Onge, 1987;Triboulet and Audren, 1985;Schulz, 1990Schulz, , 1993. Such localised equilibria within low-variance assemblages allow to evaluate P-T changes for the consecutive stages of garnet growth by geothermobarometry.…”