In this work we are interested in the characterization of curves that belong to a given surface. To the best of our knowledge, there is no known general solution to this problem. Indeed, a solution is only available for a few examples: planes, spheres, or cylinders. Generally, the characterization of such curves, both in Euclidean (E 3 ) and in Lorentz-Minkowski (E 3 1 ) spaces, involves an ODE relating curvature and torsion. However, by equipping a curve with a relatively parallel moving frame, Bishop was able to characterize spherical curves in E 3 through a linear equation relating the coefficients which dictate the frame motion. Here we apply these ideas to surfaces that are implicitly defined by a smooth function, Σ = F −1 (c), by reinterpreting the problem in the context of the metric given by the Hessian of F , which is not always positive definite. So, we are naturally led to the study of curves in E 3 1 . We develop a systematic approach to the construction of Bishop frames by exploiting the structure of the normal planes induced by the casual character of the curve, present a complete characterization of spherical curves in E 3 1 , and apply it to characterize curves that belong to a non-degenerate Euclidean quadric. We also interpret the casual character that a curve may assume when we pass from E 3 to E 3 1 and finally establish a criterion for a curve to lie on a level surface of a smooth function, which reduces to a linear equation when the Hessian is constant.