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Take down policyIf you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. The formation of cationic silicon clusters Si n H m ϩ by means of ion-molecule reactions in a remote Ar-H 2 -SiH 4 plasma is studied by a combination of ion mass spectrometry and Langmuir probe measurements. The plasma, used for high growth rate deposition of hydrogenated amorphous silicon ͑a-Si:H͒, is based on SiH 4 dissociation in a downstream region by a thermal plasma source created Ar-H 2 plasma. The electron temperature, ion fluence, and most abundant ion emanating from this plasma source are studied as a function of H 2 admixture in the source. The electron temperature obtained is in the range of 0.1-0.3 eV and is too low for electron induced ionization. The formation of silicon containing ions is therefore determined by charge transfer reactions between ions emanating from the plasma source and SiH 4 . While the ion fluence from the source decreases by about a factor of 40 when a considerable flow of H 2 is admixed in the source, the flux of cationic silicon clusters towards the substrate depends only slightly on this H 2 flow. This implies a strong dissociative recombination of silicon containing ions with electrons in the downstream region for low H 2 flows and it causes the distribution of the cationic silicon clusters with respect to the silicon atoms present in the clusters to be rather independent of H 2 admixture. The average cluster size increases, however, strongly with the SiH 4 flow for constant plasma source properties. Moreover, it leads to a decrease of the...