Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam kemampuan berpikir logis mahasiswa calon guru dan model mental kimia sekolah berdasarkan pada tingkat nilai mereka. Penelitian ini juga dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui apakah kemampuan berpikir logis berkorelasi dengan model mental kimia sekolah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode cross-section yang meliputi 124 mahasiswa calon guru kimia yang sedang mengikuti kuliah di program studi Pendidikan Kimia di sebuah LPTK di Bandung. Data dikumpulkan dengan tes kemampuan berpikir logis dan tes diagnostik model mental kimia sekolah. Tes kemampuan berpikir logis meliputi lima skala: penalaran proporsional, variabel kontrol, penalaran kombinasi, penalaran probabilistik, dan penalaran korelasional. Tes diagnostik model mental kimia sekolah mencakup lima masalah: stoichiometry, thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, tingkat reaksi, dan asam-basa. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan tingkat nilai mahasiswa, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada rerarta model mental kimia sekolah, tetapi tidak pada rerata kemampuan berpikir logis. Temuan penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemampuan berpikir logis para guru kimia berkorelasi dengan model mental kimia sekolah.Kata Kunci: kemampuan berpikir logis, model mental kimia sekolah, metode cross-section, mahasiswa calon guru kimia
THE LOGICAL THINKING ABILITY AND THE MENTAL MODEL OF SCHOOL CHEMISTRY OF TEACHERS-TO-BEAbstract: The purpose of this researchwas toreveal if there was any significant difference in students' logical thinking abilities and mental models of school chemistry based on their grade level. This study was also aimed to investigate whether the logical thinking ability was correlated with the mental models of school chemistry. The study was conducted using the cross-section method and included 124 teachers-to-be who were students in the department of chemistry education at a university of teachers training in Bandung. The data were collected through the test of logical thinking (TOLT) and the diagnostic test of school chemistry mental models (DTSCM). The TOLT instrument included five subscales: proportional reasoning, controlling variables, combinational reasoning, probabilistic reasoning, and correlational reasoning. The DTSCM instrument included five sub-matters: stoichiometry, thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, rate of reaction, and acid-base. Research findings showed that based on students' grade level, there was a significant difference in themean of mental models of school chemistry but not in the mean of logical thinking abilities. The findingsalso indicated thatthe logical thinking level ofthe teachers-to-be was correlated with the mental models of school chemistry.Keywords: logical thinking ability, mental models of school chemistry, cross-section method, teachers-to-be PENDAHULUAN Ilmu kimia merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu yang mempelajari tentang susunan, komposisi, struktur, sifat-sifat dan perubahan materi, serta perubahan energi y...