IntroductionFor high performance LSI and VLSI digital ciIcuit applications, BiCMOS technology has become predominantly driven from a CMOS processing base. The principle reason for this is that LSI and VLSI digital BiCMOS ciIcuits tend to be CMOS-intensive because of power dissipation limitations (for example, high density ECL I/O SRAMs and gate arrays). The CMOS-intensive nature of these ciIcuits requires a process technology that will result in the highest possible CMOS performance. Consequently, BiCMOS fabrication technology tends to be CMOSbased, and the process steps needed to realize a high performance bipolar device are usually merged with a core CMOS process flow [3.1, 3.2, 3.3]. In the case of analog BiCMOS, the increasing demand to have on-board digital logic integration has also resulted in these processes being CMOS-oriented.As CMOS technology has been extended to cross the "I jJJD discontinuity" into the submicron regime, the structural requirements for realizing high performance CMOS and bipolar transistors have tended to converge. For example, it is common practice in submicron CMOS processes to incorporate silicided gates and diffusions to achieve lower sheet resistance (from typically 20-50 ohms/sq to 1.5 ohms/sq). Figure 3.1 shows how the same silicidation technology can be used to simultaneously enhance the performance of both CMOS devices and polysilicon emitter bipolar transistors. For the bipolar device, the silicidation process can be used to minimize the emitter resistance by cladding the polysilicon in a similar manner as is done for the CMOS gates. It can also be used to decrease the extrinsic base resistance by cladding the P+ diffusion, again as is done for the PMOS source/drains.Many other process steps in a submicron CMOS and bipolar process can be merged and shared to realize a high performance BiCMOS technology with the minimum of added complexity, compared to a core CMOS process flow. One example of how a key process feature of one device can be advantageously shared with the other is the case of a buried N+ layer. Buried N+ layers are common features in bipolar processes and are introduced to minimize collector resistance. However, the buried layer can also be utilized in CMOS ciIcuits to reduce latchup susceptibility if it is placed underneath the N-wells containing PMOS devices, as shown in Fig. 3.1. This results in the ultimate "retrograde" CMOS well proftle and eliminates the need for epitaxial starting material, which is often used in submicron CMOS to prevent latchup [3.4, 3.5].