ABSTRAKThymoquinone, hasil isolasi dari biji jintan hitam (Nigella sativa L.) terbukti memiliki khasiat sebagai antikanker, antiinflamasi, dan immunodilator. Thymoquinone mudah menguap, mudah teroksidasi, titik lebur rendah, menyebabkan sulit diformulasi menjadi sediaan padat. Sifatnya yang tidak larut dalam air menyebabkan bioavaibilitasnya rendah. Untuk mengatasi dua masalah tersebut dilakukan pengembangan sistem penghantaran obat nanopartikel . Nanopartikel kitosan-thymoquinone dapat dibentuk dengan cross-linker natrium tripolifosfat dengan metode kosolven. Larutan thymoquinone dalam 75%, 50%, 100% isopropil alcohol dicampur dengan larutan kitosan dalam dapar asetat pH 4. Larutan Na-TPP dalam air ditambahkan sedikit demi sedikit dengan pengadukan pelan. Dilakukan karakterisasi terhadap nanopartikel meliputi loading capacity (LC), bentuk partikel, ukuran partikel, dan zeta potensial, dan karakterisasi proses preparasi yaitu nilai loading efficiency (LE). Optimasi Factorial Design menghasilkan kondisi terbaik yaitu dengan solven isopropil alkohol 75%, kadar thymoquinone 10 mg/mL,dan kadar kitosan 10 mg/mL menghasilkan nanopartikel dengan LC 8,71%, LE 76,29%, diameter rata-rata 609,8 nm dan zeta potensial rata-rata 137, 9 mV, bentuk bulat. Isopropil alcohol dapat membantu pembentukan nanopartikel thymoquinone. Ukuran partikel dan zeta potensial yang dihasilkan besar, oleh karena itu diperlukan modifikasi kadar thymoquinone, kitosan, dan Na-TPP.Keywords : Nanopartikel, thymoquinone, isopropil alkohol, polimer kitosan ABSTRACT Thymoquinone, an active compound isolated from black cumin seeds (Nigella sativa L.), has pharmacological activity as anticancer, antiinflammatory, and immunomodulator. This compound has a volatile nature, easily oxidized, and low melting point, leading to difficulties in tablet formulation. Moreover, its low solubility in water leading to low bioavailability. Therefore, it is necessary to develop nanoparticle drug delivery systems to solve these problems. Chitosan-thymoquinone nanoparticles can be formed using sodium tripolyphosphate as cross linker by cosolven method. Chitosan solution in acetate buffer pH 4 was added to thymoquinone solution in 50%, 75%, 100% isopropyl alcohol, than sodium tripoliphosphate solution in water was added slowly in a gently stirrer. The nanoparticle produced was characterized in its loading capacity (LC), particle morphology, particle size, and zeta potential, as well as the loading efficiency (LE) of nanoparticle. Factorial Design Optimization resulted that the best condistion is achieved by 75% isopropyl alcohol using thymoquinone level of 10 mg/mL and chitosan level of 10 mg/mL. In this condition, the nanoparticle has LC of 8.71%, LE of 76.29%, 609.8 nm in diameter and zeta potential of 137.9 mV. It can be concluded that isopropyl alcohol can help the formation of nanoparticles thymoquinone. The particle