Power consumption and data processing speed of integrated circuits (ICs) is an increasing concern in many emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications, such as autonomous vehicles and Internet of Things (IoT). Existing state-of-the-art SRAM architectures for AI computing are highly accurate and can provide high throughput. However, these SRAMs have problems that they consume high power and occupy a large area to accommodate complex AI models. A carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNFET) device has been reported as a potential candidates for AI devices requiring ultra-low power and high-throughput due to their satisfactory carrier mobility and symmetrical, good subthreshold electrical performance. Based on the CNFET and FinFET device’s electrical performance, we propose novel ultra-low power and high-throughput 8T SRAMs to circumvent the power and the throughput issues in Artificial Intelligent (AI) computation for autonomous vehicles. We propose two types of novel 8T SRAMs, P-Latch N-Access (PLNA) 8T SRAM structure and single-ended (SE) 8T SRAM structure, and compare the performance with existing state-of-the-art 8T SRAM architectures in terms of power consumption and speed. In the SRAM circuits of the FinFET and CNFET, higher tube and fin numbers lead to higher operating speed. However, the large number of tubes and fins can lead to larger area and more power consumption. Therefore, we optimize the area by reducing the number of tubes and fins without compromising the memory circuit speed and power. Most importantly, the decoupled reading and writing of our new SRAMs cell offers better low-power operation due to the stacking of device in the reading part, as well as achieving better readability and writability, while offering read Static Noise Margin (SNM) free because of isolated reading path, writing path, and greater pull up ratio. In addition, the proposed 8T SRAMs show even better performance in delay and power when we combine them with the collaborated voltage sense amplifier and independent read component. The proposed PLNA 8T SRAM can save 96%, while the proposed SE 8T SRAM saves around 99% in writing power consumption compared with the existing state-of-the-art 8T SRAM in FinFET model, as well as 99% for writing operation in CNFET model.