KATSUMI MAEZONO, KENTA KAJIWARA, KAZUNORI MAWATARI, AYAKO SHINKAI, KUNIO TORII, AND TOSHIO MAKI been attempted by supplementing large quantities of carboThe liver is the main organ involved in amino acid hydrate metabolites. Glucose loading inhibits cellular regenmetabolism, and it utilizes glucogenic amino acids as eration and tissue repair in hepatotoxicant-treated rats. 5 On substrates for glucose or adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the other hand, it has been found that fructose 1,6-bisphosbut this process is impaired in clinical and experimental phate (FDP), a carbohydrate metabolite, has a protective efliver diseases. In this study, we administered high doses fect against D-galactosamine (D-gal)-and CCl 4 -induced liver of amino acids in rats or cultured hepatocytes with exdamage. 6,7 Elevation of the hepatic adenosine triphosphate perimental models of liver injury to examine whether (ATP) level is associated with FDP administration in these such supplementation could attenuate liver damage. We liver damage models. found that the addition of alanine reduced enzyme leakIn addition, administration of glucogenic amino acids may age from primary cultured rat hepatocytes treated with be helpful because utilization of these amino acids is reduced D-galactosamine (D-gal), while other amino acids did not.by liver damage. Recently, we observed that oral alanine and A significant decrease of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) glutamine increased the clearance of acutely administered leakage was observed when cells were cultured with ú6 ethanol. We also found that dietary supply of alanine and mmol/L alanine. Alanine also reduced enzyme leakage glutamine prevented severe fatty deposition in experimental from normal hepatocytes that were not treated with D-fatty liver caused by ethanol and hydrazine sulfate. 8 In the gal. In D-gal -treated rats, constant infusion of a high present study, we extended these experiments using models dose of alanine significantly reduced the plasma transof hepatocyte necrosis to examine whether amino acid suppleaminase and total bilirubin levels when compared with mentation could improve liver injury, and we confirmed the infusion of an amino acid mixture. Bolus administration value of alanine for reducing liver damage. of alanine significantly prevented the elevation of plasma transaminase levels and histological liver dam-
MATERIALS AND METHODSage in CCl 4 -treated rats, while fructose-1,6 bisphosphate (FDP) had little effect. Alanine might promote the restoAnimals. Male Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats (Charles River ration of damaged liver in hepatotoxicant-treated rats, Japan Co., Atsugi, Japan) were used at 6 to 7 weeks of age. All because significant effect was found after the elevation animals received humane care in accordance with the Japanese in plasma transaminase levels. Alanine also prevented guidelines for animal experimentation (Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 1987). They were provided with a comthe decrease of cellular ATP caused by D-gal and apmercial diet (CRF...