22Non-refractory submicrometer particulate matter (NR-PM1) was measured in the Seoul 23Metropolitan Area (SMA), Korea, using an Aerodyne high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass 24 spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) from April 14 to June 15, 2016, as a part of the Korea-U.S. Air 25 Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., https://doi.org/10. 5194/acp-2017-947 Manuscript under review for journal Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discussion started: 8 November 2017 c Author(s) 2017. CC BY 4.0 License.
2Quality Study (KORUS-AQ) campaign. This was the first highly time-resolved, real-time 1 measurement study of springtime aerosol in SMA and the results reveal valuable insights into the 2 sources and atmospheric processes that contribute to PM pollution in this region. 3The average concentration of submicrometer aerosol (PM1 = NR-PM1 + black carbon (BC)) 4 was 22.1 µg m -3 , which was composed of 44% organics, 20% sulfate, 17% nitrate, 12 % 5 ammonium, and 7 % BC. Organics had an average atomic oxygen-to-carbon (O/C) ratio of 0.49 6 and an average organic mass-to-carbon (OM/OC) ratio of 1.82. The concentration and composition 7 of PM1 varied dynamically due to the influences of different meteorological conditions, emission 8 sources, and air mass origins. Four distinct sources of OA were identified via positive matrix 9 factorization (PMF) analysis of the HR-ToF-AMS data: vehicle emissions represented by a 10 hydrocarbon like OA factor (HOA; O/C = 0.15; 17% of OA mass), cooking activities represented 11 by a cooking OA factor (COA; O/C = 0.19; 22% of OA mass), and secondary organic aerosol 12 (SOA) represented by a semi-volatile oxygenated OA factor (SV-OOA; O/C = 0.44; 27% of OA 13 mass) and a low volatility oxygenated OA factor (LV-OOA; O/C = 0.91; 34% of OA mass). 14 Our results indicate that air quality in SMA during KORUS-AQ was influenced strongly by 15 secondary aerosol formation with sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, SV-OOA, and LV-OOA together 16 accounting for 76% of the PM1 mass. In particular, high temperature, elevated ozone 17 concentrations, and photochemical reactions during daytime promoted the formation of SV-OOA, 18 LV-OOA and sulfate whereas nocturnal processing of nitrogen oxides and daytime photochemical 19 reactions promoted nitrate formation. In addition, gas-to-particle partitioning processes appeared 20 to have enhanced nighttime SV-OOA and nitrate formation. During a period of 4 days (from May 21 20 to May 23), LV-OOA was significantly enhanced and accounted for up to 41% of the PM1 22 mass. This intense LV-OOA formation event was associated with large enhancements of both 23 anthropogenic and biogenic VOCs (e.g., isoprene, toluene), high concentration of Ox (= O3 + NO2), 24 strong solar radiation, and stagnant conditions, suggesting that it was mainly driven by local 25 photochemical formation. We have also investigated the formation and evolution mechanisms of 26 severe haze episodes. Unlike the winter haze events which were mainly caused by intense local 27 emissions coupled with stagnant meteorological conditions,...