Four unique glycoproteins or glycoprotein complexes were recognized by a panel of monoclonal antibodies to bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1), i.e., GVP 6/lla/16 (130,000-molecular-weight glycoprotein [130K glycoprotein]/74K/55K), GVP 7 (108K), GVP 3/9 (180K/91K), and GVP llb (71K). The absence of any antigenic or structural relationship between GVP lla and GVP llb, which were previously identified as one glycoprotein, GVP 11, demonstrated that these two GVP 11 species are unique glycoproteins. GVP 3 and GVP 9 showed complete sequence homology, as shown by the identity of their antigenic determinants and by partial peptide mapping. This observation, as well as the ratio of their apparent molecular weights, indicated that GVP 3 (180K) is a dimeric form of GVP 9 (91K). GVP 6 and GVP lla, as well as GVP 6 and GVP 16, showed at least partial sequence homology, since they shared several antigenic determinants and peptides. In addition, GVP 6, GVP lla, and GVP 16 were derived from one primary precursor. These results, as well as the ratio of their apparent molecular weights, indicated that the GVP 6/lla/16 complex consists of two forms: one in which GVP 6 (130K) is uncleaved and the other one in which GVP 6 is cleaved and composed of GVP 11a (74K) and GVP 16 (55K), linked by disulfide bridges. An antigenically distinct precursor to each of the four BHV-1 glycoproteins or glycoprotein complexes was identified by monoclonal antibodies. These precursors, pGVP 6 (117K), pGVP Ila (62K), pGVP 7 (lOOK), pGVP 9 (69K), and pGVP llb (63K) were sensitive to endo-o-N-acetylglucosaminidase H treatment, indicating that they represent the partially glycosylated highmannose-type intermediate forms generated by cotranslational glycosylation of the primary, unglycosylated precursors to GVP 6/lla/16, GVP 7, GVP 3/9, and GVP llb, which were identified as having apparent molecular weights of 105,000, 90,000, 61,000, and 58,000, respectively. A new nomenclature for the BHV-1 glycoproteins, based on roman numerals, is proposed. 401 on July 6, 2020 by guest Downloaded from bated with a 1:1,000 dilution of ascites fluid and then with a 1:1,000 dilution of rabbit anti-mouse IgG (Cooper Biomedical, Inc., West Chester, Pa.) and 5 x 105 to 1 x 106 cpm of 125I-labeled protein A (Pharmacia). Finally, the nitrocellulose strips were dried and analyzed by autoradiography on 3M X-ray film.