À fragment ions in the ECNI mass spectra of octachlorobornanes was studied by monitoring m/z 374 in standards and technical toxaphene. This technique is an interesting tool to identify B8-1413 in complex mixtures. # 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 23 December 1997; Revised 19 January 1998; Accepted 21 January 1998 Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 12, 312-316 (1998 Toxaphene is one of the world's most produced synthetic pesticides derived from chlorinated hydrocarbons. Extensive use of toxaphene since the 1940s to combat insect pests in combination with its high persistence led to the fact that it is a major organochlorine contaminant in the biosphere.
1Due to its persistence and tendency to accumulate in lipids, toxaphene was banned in the 1970s in Western Europe and in the 1980s in Northern America.
2The complex technical mixture is synthesized by the exhaustive chlorination of camphene. Technical toxaphene contains several hundred compounds with C 10 À backbone, mostly polychlorinated bornanes.
3In 1992 two major recalcitrant compounds of technical toxaphene (CTTs) were isolated from blubber of marine mammals. 4,5 The year after these two compounds and further CTTs were gained as single standards 6 which are now commercially available.First congener specific analyses by GC/ECNI-MS, a high selective and sensitive technique for the quantitation of CTTs, showed that the response factors differed over a wide range 7-9 . CTTs with exclusive 2,2,5,5-substitution in the six-membered ring (C-1 to C-6) had a particularly low response factor. 8,9 This fact aggravates the quantitation of unknown peaks in samples in case of a biomatrix with a changed CTT-pattern such as seal blubber. In a recent publication isolation and structure elucidation of the persistent octachlorobornane 2-endo,3-exo,5-endo, 6-exo,8,8,9,10-octachlorobornane (B8-1412) was described.
10High abundance of B8-1412 was reported in seal blubber, cod livers, harbor porpoise and adelie penguin.10 However, the CTT-patterns of GC/ECNI-MS and GC/ECD chromatograms were significantly different. Particularly, the high abundance of B8-1412 in ECNI-MS was not so pronounced in ECD if compared with the major abundant octachlorobornane 2-endo,3-exo,5-endo,6-exo,8,8,10,10-octachlorobornane (B8-1413 or Parlar #26). Consequently, we studied the structure and response factors of B8-1412, B8-1413 (Parlar #26) and further octachloro-CTT standards and toxaphene.
EXPERIMENTAL ChemicalsToxaphene was from Promochem (Wesel, Germany). CTT single standards and standard mixtures were from Dr. Ehrenstorfer (Augsburg, Germany) or Promochem (Wesel, Germany). Structures and abbreviations of the polychlorinated bornanes in this study are listed in Table 1.
InstrumentalGC/ECNI-MS investigations were carried out with an HP 5989B MS Engine connected to an HP 5890 II plus gas chromatograph (Hewlett-Packard). Methane (quality 5.0; Linde, Germany) was used as CI reagent gas at an ion source pressure of 1.6 mbar. The system was optimized by manual tuning using m/z 312, m/z 414 and m/z 464 of...