WSXWS motif is a conserved amino acid sequence which is present in type I cytokine receptors. This motif that can be found both in the ligand binding chains and signal transducer molecule of the receptors with different amino acids at the position 'X', plays a role in the receptor folding, ligand binding and signal transduction as well. Structural analysis proved that WSEWS motif of IL-6R is located in a highly accessible location in the protein.Structural properties and chemotaxis of a tetrapeptide library with SXWS sequence, where X was the 19 proteinogenic amino acids except cystein were systematically studied earlier. It has been proved that C-terminal amidation and the identity of amino acid 'X' had a pronounced influence on the chemotactic properties, but less of the structure of the peptides. Here we present our findings on the effect of a tetra-and a pentapeptide library with the sequence of SXWS and WSXWS on the chemotaxis and adhesion of J774 murine macrophage cell line. We studied the effect of the presence/absence of N-terminal tryptophan and the different amino acids at the 'X' position on these physiological responses. Results indicated that amino acid 'X' had a marked influence on chemotaxis, adhesion as well as on proliferation induced by (W)SXWS peptides. Elongation of SXWS sequence with a tryptophan at the N terminus also altered pronouncedly all the physiological responses of the cells studied. A good correlation could be observed between the chemotaxis and the proliferation and physicochemical parameters of the amino acid 'X'.2