“…Recently, researchers have begun to look at younger children, as young as two or three. There have been a number of explanations for the Black-White test score gap among all these age groups including test bias (Jencks 1998, Maume, Cancio, andEvans 1996), genetics (Dickens 2005, Herrnstein and Murray 1994, Nisbett 1998, Rowe 2005, Rowe and Cleveland 1996, Rowe, Vazsonyi, Flannery 1994, test anxiety due to status or a fear of stereotypes (Lovaglia, et al 1998, Steele andAronson 1998), oppositional culture and academic disengagement (Cook andLudwig 1998, Ogbu 2003), human capital (Mayer 1997a, Parks and Smeriglio 1986, Smith, Brooks-Gunn, and Klebanov 1997, Stevens 1984, health (Currie 2005, Reichman 2005), financial capital and poverty (Brooks-Gunn, Duncan, Maritato 1997, Brooks-Gunn, Klebanov, Duncan 1996, Mayer 1997a, 1997b, Peters and Mullis 1997, family background and parenting practices (Peters andMullis 1997, Phillips et al 1998), social ties and social engagement (Putnam 2000, Wong 1998), family structure (McLanahan 1997), and schools and childcare (Coleman 1966, Ferguson 1998, Jencks and Phillips 1998, Kozol 1991, Lee and Burkham 2002, Massey et al 2002. I discuss each of these possible explanations in more detail below.…”