We propose a medical filler treatment algorithm of the profile which includes forehead, nose, and chin and to evaluate profilometric results and complications.
Materials and Methods
83 case reviews of associated liquid forehead, nose, and chin plasty performed consecutively from 2014 to 2016. We monitored the horizontal and vertical sagittal stability into two age group: <40 y.o. and >40 y.o. using profilometric Arnett analysis measurements on the F, Gb, Na, Nd, Nt, Sn, ULA, LLA, B, Pg, and Gn soft‐tissue points.
The results at both 3 and 6 months were consistent with the normal ranges indicated by Arnett, with a 0.8 mm maximum of defect/excess. Forehead treatment was performed in 51 (61.4%) patient. Patients >40 y.o. always needed a global correction of the forehead profile. We performed nasal treatment in 83 (100%) patient, acute nasolabial angles was the more frequent nasal defect. The lips were injected in 59 patients (71.1) more frequently >40 y.o. In 83 (100%) patients we perform a chin augmentation. The average advancement of the chin was 3 mm.
The correction of the projection of the forehead, of the profile and shape of the nose, of the lips and chin as well as an overall improvement in face aesthetics and harmony gives a good solution in patients avoiding the need for a surgical intervention, scars and cost of general anesthesia, thus providing the optimum in patient satisfaction.