In order to evaluate the aclimation of Chenopodium seedlings to different quantum fluence rates of R and BL, kinetics of Rubisco capacity, Chl content and chloroplast structure were studied. Under monochromatic light photoreceptors are stimulated selectively and their influence on biosynthetis capacities during chloroplast development can be studied.R irradiations saturate Rubisco capacity even at the lowest quantum fluence rates applied, whereas Chl a+b synthesis depends strongly upon fluence rate of R. Under BL irradiations, both Rubisco capacity and Chl content are fluence rate dependent. R irradiations favour Chl b synthesis relative to Chl a, whereas under BL Chl a content is high relative to Chl b. Under R irradiation Pfr is the main photoreceptor involved in regulation of Rubisco capacity whereas under BL a specific BL absorbing photoreceptor may control the response. From the fluence rate dependency under BL irradiations it is concluded that the blue region of the day light spectrum may be the sensor for monitoring fluence rate and causing the characteristic changes in shade and high/low WL adaptation with respect to Rubisco levels in Chenopodium.