A rapid approach is needed for determining the eff ectiveness of precision conservation on soil health as evaluated using CO 2 and NH 3 emissions. Th is study demonstrated an approach for calculating CO 2 -C and NH 3 -N emissions and associated rate constants when feces were applied to bare soil or soil + vegetation. In addition, point CO 2 -C emission measurements were compared with near continuous measurements. Th e CO 2 -C emissions were measured at 2 h intervals over 20 d, whereas ammonia volatilization was measured three times daily for 7 d. Total ) showed that temperature and NH 3 -N and CO 2 -C emissions followed diurnal cycles and that they were in-phase with each other. Over 7 d, 20% of feces NH 4 -N was volatilized and that this loss was similar when feces were applied over vegetation or mixed into the soil. Feces additions increased the amplitude of the CO 2 -C diurnal cycle, and the fecal-C fi rst-order rate degradation constants were higher when mixed with soil [0.0109 ± 0.0043 g(g×d) -1 , p = 0.1] than applied over vegetation [0.00454 ± 0.00336 g(g×d) -1 , p = 0.1].