Total sample number 90 were 60 children diagnosed with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) collect form Center Tumor cancer in Najaf , Warith international cancer institute in Karbala and select 30 children normal heath ( control) from Amir al-Muminin Hospital and study conduct with molecular lab biology in the Department of Biology / Faculty of Science – University of Kufa, during the period from November 2021 to April 2022, The study demonstrated that there are highly significant differences in the enzyme GSH between those who carry the allele null in patients and control GSTT1, GSTM1and GSTT1&GSTM1 (2.05±1.40 , 2.27±1.73,2.21±1.5) and (3.7±1.9, 3.2±1.8, 3.86±1.7) respectively , the allele present in patients and control GSTT1, GSTM1,and GSTT1&GSTM1 (5.33±0.38 ,4.78±0.68, 5.03±0.7) , (10.64±1.7 , 9.73±2.7 , 9.9±2.5) respectively.