Background: Parry Romberg syndrome (PRS) or progressive hemifacial atrophy is a rare entity uncommon, degenerative, poorly understood with unknown etiology, but possible factors that are involved in the pathogenesis in this disorder, like trophic malfunction of sympathetic system, disturbance of fat metabolism, trauma, viral infections, heredity, endocrine disturbances and auto-immunity. PRS is seen most generally unilateral, in facial tissues including muscles, bones and skin. This alteration is characterized by the "coup de sabre"; this is clear line of demarcation between the normal and abnormal structures, results in psychological disturbance and communication defects like speech defects, and also dental malformations. It needs multidisciplinary approach including physician, dentist and psychiatric. The objective of this work is to report a rare case of PRS, concerning a young female patient, with persistence of moderate periodontal destruction with severe gingival inflammation. Extensive investigations and a multidisciplinary approach are necessary for successful management of the case.