Introduction: Congenital heart disease (CHD) if diagnosed clinically early and confirmed by ChestX-ray and ECHO, can be appropriately managed. Objectives: To observe the clinical profile of CHDin clinically diagnosed CHD in children To correlate the clinical profile with radiological andechocardiographic findings in the study group. Methods: It’s a cross-sectional study. The durationwas 18 months. All children in the age group of 1 month to 18years of age with history & clinicalfindings suggestive of CHDs were taken, assessed, subjected to Chest X-ray & 2 DECHO & werecorrelate. Results: Total no. of cases admitted during the study period was 5423, 624 had CHDamong which 50 fulfilling the criteria were taken. Clinically CCHD was in 34%, ACHD in 66%. Clinicalcorrelation with X-ray was 83% and with ECHO was 87 %. Conclusion: ACHD is more common,Chest x-ray findings correlated closely. ECHO correlation with the clinical diagnosis was veryaccurate especially in isolated lesions and some cases were identified which had been missedclinically. Hence Clinical Diagnosis with X-ray and ECHO helps in increased identification & earlierintervention of CHDs.