High quality of 830 nm material grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy for laser device printing applications J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 25, 926 (2007); 10.1116/1.2718963 Effect of intrinsic defects on the electron mobility of gallium arsenide grown by molecular beam epitaxy and metal organic chemical vapor deposition J. Appl. Phys. 91, 9887 (2002); 10.1063/1.1479746
Focused ion beam patterned Hall bars and Ohmic columns embedded in molecular-beam-epitaxial-grown GaAs/AlGaAsReduction of oxygen contamination in InGaP and AlGaInP films grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy Closed-cycle cooling of the cryoshroud in a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system with a dimethyl polysiloxane heat transfer fluid has reduced liquid nitrogen consumption by an order of magnitude, significantly lowering operating costs. The temperature dependence of cryopanel pumping efficacy in the MBE system has been investigated. H 2 O, CO, CO 2 , and As 4 are all pumped effectively by liquid nitrogen cooled cryopanels (À196 C) in the MBE. At À78 C, the operating temperature of the closed-cycle chiller, H 2 O and As 4 are pumped effectively, while CO and CO 2 are not. The pumping speed for H 2 O is found to increase exponentially with decreasing temperature. Below $À40 C and $À95 C, the pumping speeds for As 4 and H 2 O saturate, respectively. AlGaAs layers grown with the closed-cycle-cooled shroud show strong photoluminescence, expected room temperature electron mobility, and background doping levels less than 4 Â 10 15 cm À3 .