report results of systematic
molecular-dynamics computations of the elastic properties of single-crystalline
tungsten containing structural defects, voids and overpressurized
He nanobubbles, related to plasma exposure of tungsten serving as
a plasma-facing component (PFC) in nuclear fusion devices. Our computations
reveal that the empty voids are centers of dilatation resulting in
the development of tensile stress in the tungsten matrix, whereas
He-filled voids (nanobubbles) introduce compressive stress in the
plasma-exposed tungsten. We find that the dependence of the elastic
moduli of plasma-exposed tungsten, namely, the bulk, Young, and shear
modulus, on its void fraction follows a universal exponential scaling
relation. We also find that the elastic moduli of plasma-exposed tungsten
soften substantially as a function of He content in the tungsten matrix,
following an exponential scaling relation; this He-induced exponential
softening is in addition to the softening caused in the matrix with
increasing temperature. A systematic characterization of the dependence
of the elastic moduli on the He bubble size reveals that He bubble
growth significantly affects both the bulk modulus and the Poisson
ratio of plasma-exposed tungsten, while its effect on the Young and
shear moduli of the plasma-exposed material is weak. Our findings
contribute directly to the development of a structure–property
database that is required for the predictive modeling of the dynamical
response of PFCs in nuclear fusion devices.