DOI: 10.30604/jika.v6i2.505
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Coagulation and Filtration Methods on Tofu Wastewater Treatment

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Cited by 3 publications
(5 citation statements)
References 26 publications
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“…Therefore, the concentration of pollutan will decrease in the tofu wastewater. Adsorption occurs because there is a force field on the adsorbent surface that attracts the adsorbate molecules and forming a thin layer on the surface of filtration media [14].After the filtration process, the wastewater transferred to the phytoremediation tank. In this phytoremediation tank, water hyacinth plants are given.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Therefore, the concentration of pollutan will decrease in the tofu wastewater. Adsorption occurs because there is a force field on the adsorbent surface that attracts the adsorbate molecules and forming a thin layer on the surface of filtration media [14].After the filtration process, the wastewater transferred to the phytoremediation tank. In this phytoremediation tank, water hyacinth plants are given.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Tofu-processing wastewater treatment has also carried out by using combination of two-stage biological treatment with filtration system using river stone [11] and bioball [12] as media. Additionally, there are several methods applied for tofu industrial wastewater treatment, such as ozonation and adsorption method using natural zeolite [13], combination of coagulation and filtration methods [14], combination of Coagulation-Flocculation and Membrane [15], and also combination coagulationflocculation and ultrafiltration processes [16]. The use of sequencing batch reactor, and anaerobic baffled reactor using activated sludge were also applied to treatment of tofu wastewater [17,18].The purpose of this community service activity is the application of appropriate technology for treatment of wastewater in the tofu industry in Pekanbaru City with the combination of equalization processes (initial disposal and deposition processes), filtration and phytoremediation.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Penurunan yang besar ini diakibatkan koagulan biji trambesi dapat menyebabkan koloid pada limbah cair tempe menjadi tidak stabil dan membentuk flok yang baik dan dapat menurunkan kadar BOD. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Murwanto et al, (2021), Amri et al, (2020), Hayati (2016), Nurlina et al, (2015, dan Amanda et al, (2019) diketahui bahwa proses koagulasi dan elektrokoagulasi mampu menurunkan kadar COD rata-rata hingga mencapai di rentang 280 mg/l -300 mg/l, kadar BOD rata-rata di rentang 140-300 mg/l, penurunan TSS hingga 13 mg/l, dan penurunan turbiditas rata-rata hingga 7 NTU .…”
Section: Gambar 5 Pengaruh Tegangan Elektrokoagulasiunclassified
“…However, the technology is expensive and complicated to be applied in the small household industry [8]. The wastewater purification process can be carried out by filtration-absorber process using vetiver grass and zeliac [9] or coagulationfiltration using Polyaluminum Chloride (PAC) -Active filtration matter (quartz, activated carbon, and zeolite) [10]. However, the process of handling tofuprocessing water waste using filtration is considered less effective because it still has noticeable content of BOD and COD beyond the water quality standard and takes a long time [6,[9][10][11].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The wastewater purification process can be carried out by filtration-absorber process using vetiver grass and zeliac [9] or coagulationfiltration using Polyaluminum Chloride (PAC) -Active filtration matter (quartz, activated carbon, and zeolite) [10]. However, the process of handling tofuprocessing water waste using filtration is considered less effective because it still has noticeable content of BOD and COD beyond the water quality standard and takes a long time [6,[9][10][11]. Several studies were conducted to increase the economic value of tofu-processing wastewater by processing the waste into biogas [12] and liquid fertilizer [13].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%