The article addresses the issue of development of Kazakh, Russian and English languages in Kazakhstan. For this purpose, the authors give a definition of the types of bilingualism and polylingualism. The paper focuses on the significance of modeling of the educational process, the use of effective methods and technologies, gradual formation of foreign language speech culture and communicative competence. The model of multilingual teachers’ training is presented as a combination of motivational-value, content and technological components. In accordance with this, experimental work was conducted in three Kazakh universities. The result of the experiment is a polylingual speech culture and communicative competence of the future teachers within the selected scope of educational material. Another achievement in the experiment is the professional readiness of undergraduates to develop an integrated educational process for the formation of foreign language communicative competence, an ability to apply the concepts of the learning in educational process and justify them in a discussion. In the course of the study, the authors came to a conclusion that future teachers should have an integrated competence: knowledge of a foreign language and linguodidactic skills to plan classes in a foreign language.