olşisin, Colchicum autumnale bitkisinden elde edilen ve yağda çözünen bir alkaloiddir.1 Çocuklarda ailevi Akdeniz ateşi (AAA) hastalığı ataklarının önlenmesi ve amiloidoz profilaksisinde; eriş-kinlerde ise akut gut atağı, AAA, Behçet hastalığı ve inflamatuar barsak hastalıklarının tedavisinde kullanılmaktadır.2 Ayrıca primer biliyer siroz, alkolik siroz, psöriyazis, palmar ve plantar püstüloz, nekrotizan vaskülit, sarkoidoz ve sklerodermada da yararlı etkisinin olduğu bilinmektedir. A An na ah h t ta ar r K Ke e l li i m me e l le er r: : Kolşisin; Behçet hastalığı, zehirlenme A AB BS S T TR RA AC CT T Colchicine is a fat-soluble alkaloid which is obtained from colchicum autumnale. It is used in prevention of familial mediterranean fever (FMF) and amyloids prophylaxis in children, and in treatment of acute gut disease, FMF, Behçet's disease and inflammatory intestinal diseases. It is important since it may lead to many cases up to life-threatening gastrointestinal, hematologic changes and cardiogenic shock and affect many organs. After a 39-years-old female patient took 50 colchicine tablets 0,5 mg (totally 25 mg) for suicidal purposes, her abdominal ache and diarrhea symptoms were intensified on the 2 nd day of her follow-up in the intensive care unit (ICU). Her coagulation parameter was deteriorated. When respiratory failure deepened on the 5 th day, mechanical ventilation support was provided through endotracheal intubation. After her hemodynamics and hematologic status were corrected on the 12 th day, she was discharged to the internal medicine's ward. In this article, it was aimed to emphasize the ICU follow-up of the case with colchicine intoxication and the treatment protocol.