The performance of quadrupole ion traps using argon or air as the buffer gas was evaluated and compared to the standard helium only operation. In all cases a pure buffer gas, not mixtures of gases, was investigated. Experiments were performed on a Bruker Esquire ion trap, a Finnigan LCQ, and a Finnigan ITMS for comparison. The heavier gases were found to have some advantages, particularly in the areas of sensitivity and collision-induced dissociation efficiency; however, there is a significant resolution loss due to dissociation and/or scattering of ions. Additionally, the heavier gases were found to affect ion activation and deactivation during MS/MS, influencing the product ion intensities observed. Finally, the specific quadrupole ion trap design and the ion ejection parameters were found to be crucial in the quality of the spectra obtained in the presence of heavy gases. Operation with static pressures of heavy gases can be beneficial under certain design and operating conditions of the quadrupole ion trap. T he quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer (QITMS) comprises a large and continually growing segment of mass spectrometry. The QITMS possesses many advantages over other mass analyzers, including ease of use, size, cost, and ability to perform MS n analysis. With this greatly increased usage comes the motivation to enhance and extend its abilities. One area that has seen sporadic investigation is the buffer gas used within QITMS. The use and function of the buffer gas has been of interest to researchers for many years prior to commercialization of the QITMS [1][2][3].The buffer gas is an important component of the QITMS and can affect many aspects of its operation. When injecting ions into the QITMS, one function of the buffer gas is to reduce ion kinetic energy. As the ions enter the trapping volume, they will encounter neutral buffer gas atoms or molecules and collide with them. One possible outcome of these collisions is the transfer of kinetic energy from the ions to the neutral target (the buffer gas). This reduction of ion kinetic energy is termed collisional cooling, and the process aids in ion trapping and therefore can improve sensitivity. Many collisions can occur once the ion is nominally trapped, yielding a condensed cloud of ions close to the center of the trapping volume. With all of the ions condensed to the center of the QITMS and possessing similarly low kinetic energies, mass analysis can be performed with higher resolution and sensitivity [3].A collision also can result in ion kinetic energy being converted into ion internal energy. The maximum amount of internal energy that can be deposited into the ion in a single collision is the center-of-mass kinetic energy, E com , and can be calculated using the following eq:where M n is the mass of the neutral buffer gas atom or molecule, M p is the mass of the ion, E lab is the ion's laboratory frame kinetic energy and E com is the centerof-mass kinetic energy. Increasing the internal energy of an ion is the desired outcome when performing coll...