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IntroductionThe design of sensors for in-field measurements has been a central issue of analytical chemistry for decades. From the diagnosis of diseases at the point of care 1 to the detection of hazardous levels of pollutants 2,3 and the identification of pathogens in food samples, 4,5 there is a growing need for obtaining accurate information about the composition of a sample rapidly and at the point of need. For many years electrochemical sensors have dominated the area of in-field sensing due to the possibility of fabricating all the elements of the sensor with well-known microfabrication techniques. 6,7 These fabrication methods generate portable, compact devices in which the transducers are directly integrated with the circuitry. 8,9 However, although microchips containing electrochemical transducers can be mass-produced, the manufacturing cost of these devices is still too high for certain applications in which the sensor cannot be reutilised or recycled. Electrical readers are also expensive, and therefore their utilisation can only be justified in routine tests, for example in diagnostic tests r...