In this article, we study the blow-up of the damped wave equation in the scale-invariant case and in the presence of two nonlinearities. More precisely, we consider the following equation: u tt − Δu + 1 + t u t = |u t | p + |u| q , in R N × [0, ∞), with small initial data. For < N(q−1) 2 and ∈ (0, *), where * > 0 is depending on the nonlinearties' powers and the space dimension (* satisfies (q − 1) ((N + 2 * − 1)p − 2) = 4), we prove that the wave equation, in this case, behaves like the one without dissipation (= 0). Our result completes the previous studies in the case where the dissipation is given by (1+t) u t ; > 1, where, contrary to what we obtain in the present work, the effect of the damping is not significant in the dynamics. Interestingly, in our case, the influence of the damping term 1+t u t is important. KEYWORDS blow-up, nonlinear wave equations, scale-invariant damping MSC CLASSIFICATION 35L71; 35B44