This paper studies the impact of permanent volatility shifts in the innovation process on the performance of the test for explosive …nancial bubbles based on recursive right-tailed Dickey-Fuller-type unit root tests proposed by Phillips, Wu and Yu (2011). We show that, in this situation, their supremum-based test has a non-pivotal limit distribution under the unit root null, and can be quite severely over-sized, thereby giving rise to spurious indications of explosive behaviour. We investigate the performance of a wild bootstrap implementation of their test procedure for this problem, and show it is e¤ective in controlling size, both asymptotically and in …nite samples, yet does not sacri…ce power relative to an (infeasible) size-adjusted version of their test, even when the shocks are homoskedastic. We also discuss an empirical application involving commodity price time series and …nd considerably less emphatic evidence for the presence of explosive bubbles in these data when using our proposed wild bootstrap implementation of the Phillips, Wu and Yu (2011) test.