This article presents the results of the migration of radionuclides along the soil-water-feed-animal livestock chain in the adjacent territories of the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site (SNTS). To analyze the radio ecological situation in the territory adjacent to the SNTS, 6 stationary control points were created, from which samples of soil, water, vegetation, and animal products were taken. The radiometric method was used to determine the radioactive background of the studied areas. Gamma-, alpha-spectrometry methods were used to study the content of radionuclides. The radionuclide transfer along the soil-water-feed-animal livestock chain was determined by a calculation method and also veterinary and sanitary examination of the beef selected from these items. The research results show that in all the test points under study the EDR values, the beta-particles flux density is below the limit of permissible values. The samples detected radionuclides as Am-241, Cs-137 and Pu-239/240 not exceeding the standards established by the Hygienic standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The chain of radionuclides was transferred to animal products. The organoleptic assessment of the quality of cattle meat showed that inconsistencies are observed: a slight increase in lymph nodes, muddy broth, and surface moisture of muscle.