“…Clinical parameters, observation grading and weighted numerical score included demeanour (normal = 2, depressed = 4, moribund = 8); appetite (normal = 2, depressed = 4, anorexic = 8); rectal temperature (<39.5 °C = 4, >39.5 °C but <40.5 °C = 8, >40.5 °C = 12); respiratory rate (per minute) (<35 = 3, 35-50 = 6, >50 = 9); type of respiration (normal = 1, dyspnoeic = 2); cough (absent = 1, present = 2); and nasal discharge (absent = 1, present = 2). Clinical index scores were calculated by adding up the weighted numerical scores from the animal's observation grade divided by the total weighted clinical score of 79 [17].…”