Many biological traits are discretely distributed in phenotype but continuously distributed in genetics because they are controlled by multiple genes and environmental variants. Due to the quantitative nature of the genetic background, these multiple genes are called quantitative trait loci (QTL). When the QTL effects are treated as random, they can be estimated in a single generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), even if the number of QTL may be larger than the sample size. The GLMM in its original form cannot be applied to QTL mapping for discrete traits if there are missing genotypes. We examined two alternative missing genotype-handling methods: the expectation method and the overdispersion method. Simulation studies show that the two methods are efficient for multiple QTL mapping (MQM) under the GLMM framework. The overdispersion method showed slight advantages over the expectation method in terms of smaller mean-squared errors of the estimated QTL effects. The two methods of GLMM were applied to MQM for the female fertility trait of wheat. Multiple QTL were detected to control the variation of the number of seeded spikelets. (Henderson, 1950). This technique has been used to map genes controlling the variation of quantitative traits (Xu and Yi, 2000;Boer et al, 2007). The LMM methodology cannot be directly applied to traits with discrete distributions. Wedderburn (1974) proposed a linear predictor and a link function to handle discrete traits. The linear predictor is simply a linear model combining information from the independent variables. The link function is used to describe the relationship between the linear predictor and the expectation of the response variable. This approach eventually leads to a special area of statistics called the generalized linear model (GLM) (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989).Xu and Hu (2010) recently developed a GLM approach to interval mapping (IM) for traits with discrete distribution. The purpose of that study was to investigate the efficiencies of two different methods for handling missing genotypes: (1) the heterogeneous residual variance method and (2) the mixture model method. In the first method (heterogeneous residual variance method), we replaced the missing genotypes of quantitative trait loci (QTL) by the conditional expectations of the genotype indicator variables and then took into account the heterogeneous residual variances of different genotypes due to heterogeneous information contents. In the second method (the mixture model method), we fully utilized the conditional distributions of the missing genotypes. Theoretically, the mixture model approach should be optimal. In practice, the heterogeneous residual variance method is more efficient because it is robust to departure from the assumed normal distribution of the residuals. On the contrary, the