A checklist of polychaetes from a neglected region of Brazil is presented. This is the first study conducted on the sandstone reef of the Urussuquara Beach in the Espírito Santo State, in Southeastern Brazil. The samplings occurred in the intertidal region by through of a quadrat of 30 cm x 30 cm. Among the 36 polychaete taxa found, the most abundant were Phragmatopoma caudata, Marphysa sanguinea, Perinereis spp., Perinereis anderssoni, and Syllidae type 1 and a zona lower intertidal presented larger abundance. Our study also contributes with new records of four polychaete genus for the Espírito Santo State, Notomastus, Hemipodus, Lysarete, Proceraea and a new species of Syllidae. We hope to promote a better understanding of the sandstone reef's biodiversity, fill the gap that exists in the Espírito Santo State and to contribute as a useful basis for the future elaboration of management and conservation plans for this environment.