We study a two-dimensional compressible Ising spin glass at constant volume. The spin interactions are coupled to the distance between neighboring particles in the Edwards-Anderson model with ±J interactions. We find that the energy of a given spin configuration is shifted from its incompressible value, E0, by an amount quadratic in E0 and proportional to the coupling strength. We then construct a simple model expressed only in terms of spin variables that predicts the existence of a critical value of the coupling above which the spin-glass transition disappears.PACS numbers: 75.10. Nr,75.40.Mg,05.50.+q Lattice compressibility affects the nature of phase transitions in a variety of spin systems. The 2-dimensional (2-D) triangular Ising antiferromagnet, for example, is fully frustrated and shows no transition to an ordered state; however, when compressibility is added, this system exhibits a first-order transition to a striped phase [1,2]. In the (unfrustrated) Ising ferromagnet, the introduction of compressibility changes the transition from second-to first-order so that the onset of nonzero net magnetization is simultaneous with a discontinuous change in the volume [3,4]. Frustration is central to the nature of the spin-glass transition as it leads to large ground-state degeneracies [5,6,7,8]. Because different states with the same spin-glass energy can couple differently to local lattice deformations, compressibility lifts the ground-state degeneracy and may dramatically alter the nature of the transition and the low-temperature spin-glass phase. Since magneto-elastic effects are always present to some degree in physical systems, their inclusion in spin-glass models may help explain some of the outstanding puzzles in spin-glass experiments [9]. We report here the effect of compressibility on a 2-D spin glass in which the lattice is allowed to distort locally while the entire system is held at constant volume.The ground states of the previously studied compressible systems were always states that had already been ground states of those same systems without lattice distortion. In contrast, we find that as the coupling between magnetic interactions and lattice distortions is increased, the constant-volume compressible spin glass prefers spin configurations which had previously been excited states. We further find that the critical region just above the spin-glass temperature is suppressed as the coupling to lattice distortions increases so that above a certain value of the coupling, the spin-glass transition is eliminated entirely.We study compressible two-dimensional Ising spin glasses on square lattices with periodic boundary conditions at constant volume. The Hamiltonian isThe first term is the energy of the standard (incompressible) Edwards-Anderson spin glass, with a sum over nearest neighbors. The spins S i take the values ±1, and J ij ∈ {±J}. The second term couples the spin interactions to local lattice distortions; r ij is the distance between particles i and j, and r 0 is the particle separation of t...