Objectives: The objective was to critically appraise and highlight rigorous education research study articles published in 2014 whose outcomes advance the science of emergency medicine (EM) education.Methods: A search of the English language literature in 2014 querying Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), PsychINFO, PubMed, and Scopus identified 243 EM-related articles using either quantitative (hypothesis-testing or observational investigations of educational interventions) or qualitative (exploring important phenomena in EM education) methods. Two reviewers independently screened all of the publications using previously established exclusion criteria. Six reviewers then independently scored the 25 selected publications using either a qualitative or a quantitative scoring system. Each scoring system consisted of nine criteria. Selected criteria were based on accepted educational review literature and chosen a priori. Both scoring systems use parallel scoring metrics and have been used previously within this annual review.Results: Twenty-five medical education research papers (22 quantitative, three qualitative) met the criteria for inclusion and were reviewed. Five quantitative and two qualitative studies were ranked most highly by the reviewers as exemplary and are summarized in this article.Conclusions: This annual critical appraisal series highlights seven excellent EM education research studies, meeting a priori criteria and published in 2014. Methodologic strengths in the 2014 papers are noted, and current trends in medical education research in EM are discussed.ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2015;22:1327-1336 [1][2][3][4] In this seventh installment of the annual critical appraisal series, we used previously published criteria to critically analyze and rank the EM education research from 2014. 5 The focus of this article is to review and highlight the methodologically superior studies that are pertinent to teaching and education in EM. Trends in EM education research over the past 7 years, as they can be inferred from this review, are summarized. It is hoped that this paper will serve as a valuable resource for EM educators and researchers invested in the scholarship of teaching.
Article IdentificationWe applied a previously described search strategy to identify all education research publications relevant to EM education. 5 Publications were limited to English language papers published in 2014. Searches were run in February 2015.
Inclusion and Exclusion CriteriaPublications relevant to the EM education of medical students, residents, academic and nonacademic attending physicians, and other emergency providers were included. Medical education studies were defined as hypothesis-testing investigations, evaluations of educational interventions, or explorations of educational problems using either quantitative or qualitative methods. Publications were excluded if: 1) they were not considered to be peer-reviewed research (such as opinion pieces, commentaries, literature reviews, curr...