Q-interactive is a relatively new technology-based individualized testing platform developed by Pearson, Inc. for use by practitioners as an alternative to the traditional paper-and-pencil method of individualized testing. The potential utility of this type of assessment format for both practicing psychologists and trainers of psychologists is explored, including positive and negative initial reactions to the use of the program and first impressions from a number of first-time users. The implementation of new technology as part of a testing course for graduate students from 3 different graduate programs was initiated, and data were collected over 1.5 years in order to investigate the utility of Q-interactive as a test administration method, determine any potential problems for the use of this testing format, and explore graduate student user impressions. No differences were noted among graduate student ratings of test administration experiences, regardless of the administration method learned initially. Significant differences were found, however, with regard to students' impressions of volunteer client engagement, eagerness to participate, and client enjoyment of testing, with volunteer clients rated as more engaged, more eager, and having more fun when presented with technology-based materials. Interestingly, although the majority of students indicated a strong preference for one administration format over another, the number preferring a technology-enhanced administration was only slightly higher, with most preferring to learn using the paper-and-pencil administration format initially. Implications for practitioners, supervisors, and instructors are discussed.