Simplifying graphs is a very applicable problem in numerous domains especially in computational geometry. Given a geometric graph and a threshold, the minimumcomplexity graph simplification asks for computing an alternative graph of minimum complexity so that the distance between the two graphs remains at most the threshold.In this paper we propose several NP-hardness and algorithmic results depending on the type of input and simplified graphs, the vertex placement of the simplified graph, and the distance measures between them (graph and traversal distances [1,2]). In general, we show that for arbitrary input and output graphs, the problem is NP-hard under some specific vertex-placement of the simplified graph. When the input and output are trees, and the graph distance is applied from the simplified tree to the input tree, we give an O(kn 5 ) time algorithm, where k is the number of the leaves of the two trees that are identical and n is the number of vertices of the input.