Quantum kicked rotor was recently realized in experiments with cold atomic gases and standing optical waves. As predicted, it exhibits dynamical localization in the momentum space. Here we consider the weak localization regime concentrating on the Ehrenfest time scale. The later accounts for the spread-time of a minimal wavepacket and is proportional to the logarithm of the Planck constant. We show that the onset of the dynamical localization is essentially delayed by four Ehrenfest times and give quantitative predictions suitable for an experimental verification.PACS numbers: 42.50.Vk, 72.15. Rn Unprecedented degree of control reached in experiments with ultra-cold atomic gases [1] allows to investigate various fundamental quantum phenomena. A realization of quantum kicked rotor (QKR) is one such possibility that recently attracted a lot of attention [2,3,4,5]. To this end cold atoms are placed in a spatially periodic potential V 0 cos(2k L x) created by two counterpropagated optical beams. The potential is switched on periodically for a short time τ p ≪ T , giving a kick to the atoms; here T is a period of such kicks. The evolution of the atomic momenta distribution may be monitored after a certain number of kicks. If the gas is sufficiently dilute [6], one may model it with the single-particle Hamiltonian, that upon the proper rescaling takes the form [7] of the QKR:Here θ ≡ 2k L x and time is measured in units of the kick period, T . The momentum operator is defined asl = ik ∂ θ , where the dimensionless Planck constant is given byk = 8hT k 2 L /(2m). Finally, the classical stochastic parameter is K =kV 0 τ p /h . The classical kicked rotor is known to have the rich and complicated behavior [8]. In particular, for sufficiently large K ( > ∼ 5), it exhibits the chaotic diffusion in the space of angular momentum [8]. The latter is associated with the diffusive expansion of an initially sharp momenta distribution: δ l 2 (t) ≡ (l(t) − l(0)) 2 = 2D cl t (dashed line on Fig. 1). For sufficiently large K, the classical diffusion constant may be approximated by K 2 /4 [8]. The higher order correction is an oscillatory function of the stochastic parameter, i.e., [9,10]. It was realized a while ago [11,12] that quantum interference destroys the diffusion in the long time limit and leads to localization:where the localization length is given by ξ = D cl /k. For a large localization length ξ ≫k, there is a long crossover regime, 1 < t < t L , between the classical diffusion and quantum localization. It was suggested in Ref. [13], that the QKR may be mapped onto the one-dimensional Anderson localization with the long range disorder. The universal long-time behavior of the latter is described by the non-linear sigmamodel [14], resulting in the standard weak-localization correction [15,16] Fig. 1). Notice, that the correction is linear ink and non-analytic in time. In an apparent contradiction with this fact, explicit studies [17,18] of the first few kicks show only renormalization of the diffusion constant starting fr...