“…The standard deviation 19 associated with the maximum signal value, ss,max, in the estimated polynomial curve is calculated by: (24) where sresid is the corresponding residual standard deviation, Xo is the matrix formed by the independent variables (x, x 2 , x 3 , ···) when substituting the value of the maximum, Xo T is the transpose matrix of Xo: (25) and the matrix (X T X) -1 is obtained from the variance-covariance matrix (V) of the regression coefficients: (26) where the main diagonal (sa 2 , sb 2 , sc 2 , ···, sz 2 ) represents the variances associated with the regression coefficients (a, b, c, ···, z, respectively) and the rest of the matrix is composed of the covariances among these coefficients.…”