Monitoring in situ
local pH changes to dissolving/growing crystal
surfaces is critical to decipher the related mechanisms. To date,
however, reliable techniques to acquire such measurements remain under-developed.
Here we report the first successful attempt to observe time-resolved,
two-dimensional distribution of pH around crystals dissolving in aqueous
solutions. The local pH change around dissolving calcium carbonate
polymorphs (calcite and aragonite) was visualized by using the fluorescent
probe 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisul-fonic acid HPTS under an optical
microscope. The observations unambiguously showed that pH increased
and saturated rapidly immediately adjacent to the reactive surfaces
on the cleavage rhombs of calcite. Approximately 1 mm away, however,
the increase slowed down significantly, generating a steep pH gradient
at the crystal–water interface. Aragonite, which has rough
fractured surfaces in contrast to the well cleaved calcite, dissolved
much faster and showed a stronger tendency for the pH profile to trace
the outer shape of crystal grains. These results indicate that this
technique is sensitive enough to detect small differences in dissolution
between polymorphs and surface conditions and may be used as an effective
tool to visualize and understand various reactions in aqueous solutions
including environmental weathering and material erosion.