Edited by Wolfgang Peti For many biological processes such as ligand binding, enzymatic catalysis, or protein folding, allosteric regulation of protein conformation and dynamics is fundamentally important. One example is the bacterial adhesin FimH, where the C-terminal pilin domain exerts negative allosteric control over binding of the N-terminal lectin domain to mannosylated ligands on host cells. When the lectin and pilin domains are separated under shear stress, the FimH-ligand interaction switches in a so-called catch-bond mechanism from the low-to high-affinity state. So far, it has been assumed that the pilin domain is essential for the allosteric propagation within the lectin domain that would otherwise be conformationally rigid. To test this hypothesis, we generated mutants of the isolated FimH lectin domain and characterized their thermodynamic, kinetic, and structural properties using isothermal titration calorimetry, surface plasmon resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, and X-ray techniques. Intriguingly, some of the mutants mimicked the conformational and kinetic behaviors of the full-length protein and, even in absence of the pilin domain, conducted the cross-talk between allosteric sites and the mannoside-binding pocket. Thus, these mutants represent a minimalistic allosteric system of FimH, useful for further mechanistic studies and antagonist design. The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of this article. This article contains Figs. S1-S11, Tables S1-S2, supporting Extended Experimental procedures, and supporting Refs. 1-5. The atomic coordinates and structure factors (code 5MCA) have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (http://wwpdb.org/).